IDST 80C (SUMMER) - Diversity and Social Justice: Sexism - Stage 3 - Elisabeth Arruda

Tentative Future Plans

TermSummer 2013
  • Assessment (measurement) of outcomes
  • Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
More DetailsDuring the summer of 2013 I conducted assessments of two of the major course SLO's. I used a pre and post survey and their final essays as methods.

SLO's assessed:

#3. Identify major areas of sex inequality in the workplace and family and the extent of violence against women in the United States today.

#4 State differences among women based on ethnicity, and other forms of oppression.


SLO 3: At the end of class 77% of students felt either quite confident or extremely confident in their ability to identify major areas of sex inequality, an improvement over their confidence level in the pre-surveys by 20%.

SLO 4: At the end of class 88% of students felt quite confident or extremely confident in their ability to state differences, an improvement over their confidence level in the pre-surveys by 44%

Student essays ended up being only a partial indicator of their understanding on these two SLO's. The essay requires them to discuss an incident of sexism, analyze it, and write up an intervention plan. It also asks them to use the readings to discuss intersectionality. Essays were a clear indicator that they understood sex inequality, however, not all students discussed violence. Additionally, not all students completed their essay by discussing intersectionality, (12 out of 17 did) which would have been an indicator on how well they understood differences between women (#4). Due to the variety in their paper topics, I found the essay a less reliable way to evaluate these two particular SLO's.

Plans for further work: This 0.5 unit course has 11 SLO's. Many of us who teach these half unit, one-day, Diversity and Social Justice classes agree that we need to combine and simplify the number of SLO's in the course outline. Some of the SLO's are better described as course topics. Our department chair, Lauren Muller, is especially helpful in getting us together to discuss the courses, both in person at the department meetings and through the DSJ listserv.

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